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Loosing internet connection. Modom or router? - Printable Version

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Loosing internet connection. Modom or router? - dooopo - 06-19-2014 02:48 AM

Cable guy cam over and said im getting good signal. Today I did get a pop up message saying somtehing like "IP adress conflict with other system on the network" or something like that.

I can get internet off and on but some days get no signal all day. Today it is off and on like 5 mins I get connection and then after that it takes hours before I get connecting again. I keep unplugging the router and modom like the guy said to do but it only works some times and for only minutes at a time I get connection.
I just hooked the modem up to the computer and it does the same thing so now I know it's not the router. So is this just a bad modem or my computer?

- Ed G - 06-19-2014 03:01 AM

Well what I would do is disconnect the router and just use the modem for a couple of days.If I no longer had the problem then I would know it was the router.If I still had issues I would replace the modem.But I would replace it with a modem/wireless router unit.

- David - 06-19-2014 03:12 AM

This seems like your router DHCP is not functioning the way it should as you are getting duplicate IP error on your network. Try resetting the router to factory defaults and recreate the SSID for your network. Reinstall the dtivers for your computer WLAN card and this should resolve your problem.

Good Luck.,

- aryan - 06-19-2014 03:25 AM
