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Is it weird when someone you don't really know asks you to be friends on fb? - Printable Version

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Is it weird when someone you don't really know asks you to be friends on fb? - 236 - 06-19-2014 03:43 AM

I never ask anyone to be my friend on fb, people always ask me, but there is this guy that has been in two of my classes in college and he always seems scared to talk to me in class, but he has made eye contact with me many times and smiled at me on many occasions.

Do you think I should ask him to be my friend or is it kind of stalkerish?
I've been waiting for him to come to me for a long time but he is a big chicken lol

and Imho, not trying to be cocky but I am more than average smart, and more than average looking

- JD - 06-19-2014 03:57 AM

facebook = social networking.
Social networking = talking to randoms
talking to randoms = acceptable for you to add randoms.
SO go, add him.

- Emily - 06-19-2014 04:06 AM

no not at all, most people add anyone who they've ever come in contact with or know, anyone in school classes, college classes etc. you don't necessarily have to be their friends but if you've met them before or seen them before then that is completely normal. When you see people with like 1000 friends do you really think all of them are going to be people they know really well, or their closes friends. of course not.

hope this helps Smile

- Sarfaraz - 06-19-2014 04:19 AM

If he doesnt turn up to u in classes.. Doesnt mean he is a stalker... He is thinking abt the response which u wil give if he comes up to talk to u in person..... coz he got no clue what response he will get whether positive or negative.. So fb is the only way to make frend .. So if u can add him and talk to him .. He will also be confortable to talk to u in class... There u go Smile

- Allison Kanter - 06-19-2014 04:32 AM

not at all, that's the whole point of social networking...