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Sexual question 18+ guys only please? - Printable Version

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Sexual question 18+ guys only please? - 575 - 06-19-2014 07:54 AM

So my FB came over last night.... everything was fine, he started rubbing on me which is normal, I got really wet... (I haven't had sex in 3+ weeks), so he put a condom on and stuck himself inside of me... at that point I was extremely wet, to the point where it was dripping down his legs.... then he stopped and said "you're too wet, I don't want it rubbing down my legs" and he got up and went inside the bathroom. After he came back, he just for dresses and we didn't talk about it. It lasted like 5 minutes.

I don't know what else could have been wrong, he just told me that I was too wet and he couldn't have sex with me if I was that wet because it's was getting all over him.

GUYS, is it a turn off if a girl is extremely wet? To the point where it's dripping down your thighs?

- UpDog - 06-19-2014 08:03 AM

If I wasn't super attractive to the girl I would think it's gross and act the same way. If it were someone who was attractive then it would be hot

- David Harrod - 06-19-2014 08:14 AM

No, I take it as a compliment. Everyone is different though and it may have just been a really uncomfortable and distracting feeling to have it running down his leg when he was trying to focus.

- Lost in a Sea - 06-19-2014 08:29 AM

OMG I absolutely love that when a girl gets that wet!!! He does not deserve to be your FWB anymore. Find a guy that will appreciate your body and what it is capable of doing so you can get even more pleasure out of the experience instead of being belittled by some dbag that thinks he is some sort of stud.