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computer internet proxy connection issue? - Printable Version

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computer internet proxy connection issue? - Qu3sTi0n - 06-19-2014 09:15 AM

My computer has this problem where when i go to any website or any webbrowser itll have an "cannot connect to proxy server" issue. Now i know its my computer because my windows tablet or sny pther device its fine at connection to internet.. as how im typing this now. So im not sure whats wrong. Itll do it randomly and sometimes lasts for s while and cant get on any webpage. I tried clearing all my browsers data, turning off firewall, restarting..can any one help

- Niginator777 - 06-19-2014 09:26 AM

If using chrome go to settings --> show advanced settings (at bottom) --> Change Proxy Settings (under Network) --> LAN Settings --> Uncheck the box that says "Use a proxy server for you LAN"
If using another web browser find Internet Properties and go to the Connections tab.