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Should I ask my boyfriend to delete his ex's pictures on fb? - Printable Version

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Should I ask my boyfriend to delete his ex's pictures on fb? - 375 - 06-19-2014 09:16 AM

Well my boyfriend had few months relationship that didn't end well...they ended up abusing each other I was going through my boyfriend's fb account a month ago and I saw few pictures of her...I asked him about her ..he got angry said nasty stuff about that girl and told me that he will delete those when i just went through his albums again..i saw they weren't I being too harsh? Am I asking for too much? Before we got into relationship I used to put my pictures up on fb but he didn't like it..he didn't consider it safe so i deleted all my pictures.
I don't know..will this be pressurizing him too me..

- Chelsea - 06-19-2014 09:19 AM

Ask him why he hasn't deleted them?
Maybe he just doesn't see it as a big deal.
Guys don't think how girls do.

- Sara ♥ - 06-19-2014 09:31 AM

Just wait for him to do it. He probably forgot about the pics, cause its unimportant to him. Nd it should be unimportant to you. Stop creating problems and unnecessary stress for yourself.

- Dana D - 06-19-2014 09:40 AM

Give him time. A relationship no matter how bad is hard to get over. Actually a relationship like that is the worst to get over. I think he'll come around to deleting it when he's ready. But I'm just speaking from a females perspective, hopefully a guy will come around and answer this without being a douche. Good luck!

- type o negative - 06-19-2014 09:46 AM

Talk to him about it, but remember again that you shouldn't feel as though that's something you should necessarily have to ask him to do. If he was truly over her, he would've gone through the steps in the process (deleting the pictures) to get to that point. It sounds like he was in a bad unhealthy relationship but make sure you also aren't the rebound.

Don't forget this though, it's a red flag.