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Wireless Internet Provider? - Printable Version

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Wireless Internet Provider? - jjoca - 06-19-2014 01:52 PM

So, stupidly, we moved into an apartment complex with the assumption that I could get any ISP I wanted. VERY wrong.

I cannot get anyone local as they are 'not allowed' and they are forcing me to use their DSL or else get my own wireless internet.

I have seen services through Verizon and Att, (and others similarly) but they are so expensive. I found another called freedom pop but they only offer 10-15 GB/mo.

DOES ANYONE KNOW a less expensive way to get wireless internet? A company that gives me an install free wifi device or a pointing device or one that actually provides more GB?


- Kasey C - 06-19-2014 02:06 PM

No, no, and no.

If you want more GB you have to go with an ISP that offers a hardline solution. And if your apartment don't give you an option, well, then, pardon the expression, but you're up **** creek without a paddle.