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Can an infographic affect seo? - Printable Version

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Can an infographic affect seo? - Rick - 06-19-2014 02:18 PM

How can it affect? Would it help my business? And where can I get a talented and yet affordable designer for it?

- 612 - 06-19-2014 02:34 PM

Great question! In my opinion, an infographic may not impact SEO directly but it would improve the overall user experience for your readers (if done right). There is an added advantage from an SEO perspective. If you optimize your infographic correctly and use the right text and keyword in the alt text area, chances are that your infographic may show up in "image searches". That may help with traffic and SEO.

Start small, experiment, and then scale it up.

Good luck!

- Daniel M - 06-19-2014 02:47 PM

What users and Google as well is looking for a great content.
A nice Infographic is a good example of great content.

If you make a nice one and do a social campaign around it people will like to link to it, share it, repin it etc. You will definitely start getting backlinks to your site and good deal of traffic.

If you are looking for a cheap designer check
There are plenty of doing this.

- Hemant Makwna - 06-19-2014 02:50 PM

Yes, it's one kind of off-page activities to generate back-links for your website. It not only generate back-links but also increases your brand's credibility and conversion.
