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Should I buy an iPad mini? - Printable Version

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Should I buy an iPad mini? - Marnique - 06-19-2014 02:47 PM

I decided to buy an iPad mini. But...what can it do exactly? I'm new at when it comes to tablets and iPads and this will be my first time using one. I want to be satisfied and comfortable when I buy it. Does it let me take pictures and print them off at a photo station? Play games? Surf the internet? Facebook, Skype, YouTube, download music? I don't want to sound difficult but I want to be completely sure before buying one. And also what other futures does it have. Thanks in advance!

- Lenny - 06-19-2014 02:50 PM

I think you should & experiment with it a little

- 926 - 06-19-2014 03:05 PM

It can do... A lot of things. If you've ever used an iPhone or iPod Touch then it's got the same operating system, same interface, everything basically.

You can browse the Internet and there's apps for like every social network service ever at this point (Facebook, Twitter, anything really), there's games, there's iTunes and Pandora and what have you. You've got front and rear cameras for photos and Skype or FaceTime. You can print with any AirPrint compatible printer.

You wanna look at Apple's site for more info

Better yet, go to an Apple Store or Best Buy and play with one in the store and see how you like it.

If you get the iPad Mini with Retina then it'll be good for a few years. I'm sure a new model will come out next year, like always, but it's usually not a huge step up from the last one. My iPhone 4S still works great and it's a couple years old.

- Gatdef - 06-19-2014 03:08 PM

Most of those things, Facebook, Skype, games, Youtube, these are all in the app store - you can even get a free (or paid) word processor which is like having Microsoft Word on there.

Its like having a little PC in your hand.. Essentially..

(with pictures, you can take them, then you could go to a `photo station' and use the USB cable to print them off from the ipad) but check the megapixels/quality - pictures don't tend to be brilliant on Ipads)

- Peeter - 06-19-2014 03:10 PM

hi dear,
Retina iPad mini: The best tablet you can buy

- Siddharth - 06-19-2014 03:21 PM

instead you can try HP tablets.Recently HP has annouced HP slate 6(voice TAB), slate 7 and 10.
refer these links