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Feeling isolated, different, sad and completely lost? - Printable Version

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Feeling isolated, different, sad and completely lost? - Joel - 06-19-2014 02:53 PM

So I don't have a bf or gf, I don't feel like any of my friends are very close or genuine, I don't feel like I have a certain group or anything that I fit into in school. I'm 16 and I feel like my life and teen years are passing with no real meaning or happenings. I look at the popular kids on Facebook and they all seem to have amazing, fun, grown up lives. I feel like my life is a lonely failure that no one cares about. I always try to tell myself to be happier and look on the brightside, but I seem to be surrounded by confident and happy people who have ir all together and are popular and attractive and interesting etc and it makes me feel so desperately sad and lost. Help me?

- V. Adstum - 06-19-2014 02:59 PM

I dont know what to say.Find a way to happiness...I beg you,no one else needs to end up a cautionary me. Just try to find happiness in the things you know and the big things may come

- Jesse - 06-19-2014 03:00 PM

Hi. I used to feel that way in my teen years so I completely understand. I was one of the unpopular ones . There are times when I wished I could've done more. However, by the time graduation came to now, I've noticed that the popular kids in hs are now young parents who are struggling in the real world. Me, I have a successful career in the Army, have caring adults in my life, and everything I need and almost want. Smile Some of us are not meant to be so popular in school. However, we are in control of our futures. Also, don't always feel like you need friends all the time. Sometimes it's good to be alone so you can focus on yourself. Okay?

- Sammi - 06-19-2014 03:14 PM

I'm in a similar situation as you are. I'm just about to turn 16, never had a boyfriend. But I'm okay with that. The thing about your friends not being genuine or feeling close to them, the same goes with me most of the time. I'm always the excluded one, people can always say to find new friends, but it's hard to connect when everyone has established their own groups. My advice is to get involved in conversations, joke around, have fun, don't just sit and watch ur friends having fun, join in too (I should take this advice too). Enjoy life, just think that someone out there has it much worse than you, if you're ever feeling down.
Just because you're not popular doesn't mean you'll be a lonely failure in life. Popularity diminishes once you leave high school, who cares who's popular and who's not, it doesn't define who you are as a person and it shouldn't matter at all. Theyre probably making their life out to be amazing when it's probably not, every1 has problems. Stay positive! Smile

- Imgoodenuf - 06-19-2014 03:22 PM

I think American society and youth is over obsessed with looking good. I grew up in America and am very self conscious because of it. Some girls were really rude in high school and too many people were kissing in public. I also couldn't figure out how to fit in and socialize and internalized depression but still had good grades. Plus my parents divorced. There's too much pressure to be popular and outgoing in the high schools here. The only thing that really taught me anything was speech classes when I faced my fears but a lot of people hate high school and there are lots of fake ppl its hard to find loving genuine friends. I'm glad high school is over