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Powerline adapter doesnt connect to internet? - Printable Version

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Powerline adapter doesnt connect to internet? - 296 - 06-19-2014 06:25 PM

I bought that Powerline set and worked but i THINK i accidantelly clicked on “foget connection“ or something on the Network and sharing centre tab and now the POWER light is green, Poweline light is also green (none are blinking) and the third one (Network light) is not lighted.

I have absolutely no idea what to do and am getting frustrated pls help guys!

- Richard - 06-19-2014 06:38 PM

The Powerline set acts purely like an Ethernet cable connecting an Ethernet port on your router to an Ethernet port on your computer.

It sounds as though your adapters have three status lights - Power, Powerline connection established (this adapter can communicate with the other adapter), and Ethernet connection established (at the end local to the specific device).

Since the network light is out, this suggests that either the Ethernet cable between the adapter and your computer is disconnected, or the adapter in your computer is effectively powered down.

Open Device Manager (from Control Panel). Look in the network adapters section for the Ethernet NIC (Network Interface Card) or adapter. Check to see if its properties show the driver is working correctly. If not, try reinstalling the adapter's drivers.

If this has not helped, make sure you have a recent restore point, then delete the adapter's entry from Device Manager. Reboot the computer and it should recreate the entry for the adapter. This should activate the adapter and the network light on the Powerline device should come on. You should now have access to your home network, your router and the Internet. Use the restore point if you need to revert to the previous state.

I hope this helps.