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What is with this guy did I read it wrong? - Printable Version

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What is with this guy did I read it wrong? - 271 - 06-19-2014 07:30 PM

First off he's straight so he says and I'm gay and he knows about that and when he found out last week he's been all over me he introduced himself to me and it was really awkward and he was sort of all shy and went away really quickly and then next thing I get home and he's added me to fb so I add him, and he starts sending msg after msg and then out the blue last night he says "am I hot for a straight guy" so I say yeah I guess and he was like I bet you wanna see my cock, I ignored it and next thing he sends me a picture of it and wants one of me this time but I ignored again. So today I go in the bathroom and he was in there no one else about so he said go on your turn I know you seen the pic so get it out for me so I did and then he called me a queer and said I knew full wall you wanted to fuck me you dirty queer and walked out.
What the hell was that about is he gay or just playing some stupid game I just feel so stupid I mean why would someone act like this, he's removed me from fb to I'm thinking he got upset with himself but idk

- Scott J - 06-19-2014 07:45 PM

He's probably curious, but then got scared of being called gay, and freaked out on you. Ignore him from now on.

- Ren - 06-19-2014 07:55 PM

That stupid! idiot guy! he's nothing. Don't you ever think of him again. He's an asshole. And I doubt he's straight!

- Kevin - 06-19-2014 07:59 PM

It sounds pretty stupid to me.

What to do:
Don't make room in your life for the stupidity of strangers.