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Internet connection: did it ruin anything for you? - Printable Version

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Internet connection: did it ruin anything for you? - Yukanegishi - 06-19-2014 08:00 PM

I just need to vent.
Recently my internet connection became so bad, I could barely do anything online and my dad who is supposed to be an expert on these kind of things won't do anything to help. As long as his works, it's fine.
Since I just finished school, internet is the best way for me to keep in touch with my old friends and boyfriends. But now? I sign in on msn messenger and internet cuts off! I get on facebook, it cuts off! It's just bloody awful! Now I got my guy thinking I'm ignoring him and friends don't bother talking to me cuz they know my connection will only last three seconds.
So everyday, I only have a few minutes online while my dad is in the shower (since he isn't using his computer during that time, the internet is better). It sucks! I'm on holiday for a week and I can't contact my friends, I can't catch up on my work, I can't look for a job and I'm supposed to be planning a trip which I can't do either!
So yea I'm extra pissed off right now because my guy was online and he left just minutes before my dad took his shower. Now I probably won't get another chance to talk to him for as long as two weeks because we're both busy.
And sure, I tried to figure out whats wrong with my connection, but I don't any technical terms. All I know is that: ''my TCP settings are not compatible with my router'' and that it's probably due to Vista. Thanks dad for putting that sh*t ass upgrade on my PC. Not to mention, my brother's connection is fine! What the hell??
Ugh! Vent vent vent vent VENT but right now it does NOT make me feel better (feel free to do the same).
Am.So.Pissed.Off.Right.Now. ><
(I could just scream XD)
I think it's dsl... but I'm not entirely sure.

- MrZip - 06-19-2014 08:15 PM

calm down a little,if you are paying for your connection complain to you provider,they will HAVE to fix it,do you have cable,dsl phone line or what?sorry for your problem but try to get to the bottom of it??

- psychemajor - 06-19-2014 08:20 PM

Sounds like your security isn't allowing you to view those sites because it's not accepting the cookies. Go into internet options>security>advanced and accept cookies.

- JA12 - 06-19-2014 08:28 PM

OK. Who pays for this internet connection?

Until you pay for your own connection, then don't expect any privileges for its use.

Think about getting yourself a dongle, then you will have your own dedicated connection that you can manage yourself.