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Windowx XP...What To Do After April 8th? - Printable Version

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Windowx XP...What To Do After April 8th? - 156 - 06-19-2014 11:11 PM

It is not in my budget to get a new computer at this time. I have a Dell desktop. Read Google Chrome will support XP until 2015. Are there ANY other way to keep using XP after the cut off Microsoft date and still be safe oneline.

meant Windows XP in headline.

- Sean Frohman - 06-19-2014 11:24 PM

You should be fine with good antivirus, but you won't get any updates. You can install Windows 7 without buying a new computer as well.

- Eric - 06-19-2014 11:35 PM

Note that XP will not stop working at that time. What WILL stop is support from microsoft - security and other patches, as well as other updates.

Short answer, you WILL become more vulnerable. Internet Explorer will not be updated (though it isn't now - you can't run anything past 9, IIRC, on XP.) Practical matters, it will be harder to get most hardware and software to run on XP, if it'll run at all - you may buy a new printer and find it's not supported.

Short term, get a good antivirus and firewall, as well as other malware programs such as Malwarebytes, and keep them updated.

Long term, save your money and get a new system. Depending on what you do, you may be able to get away with a fairly low cost system.

- brayden - 06-19-2014 11:42 PM

Continue to run your antivirus protection as usual and be extra careful on what websites you visit. Don't click pop up ads telling you things like 'your computer is infected, click here to clean it' or other ridiculous things to scare you into clicking things that don't do anything but infect you. Online safety-wise (if you mean virus' etc) you should be just fine if you do this.

- Higgy Baby - 06-19-2014 11:49 PM

Keep using XP til you have trouble.....

But in the mean time- get Linux Mint of Ubuntu and learn how to use it- its actully easier than Windows. Its free and better. I have been using it for 7 years.

- Argus Tuft - 06-20-2014 12:00 AM

Chrome will only provide the support they have, so only existing updates will be available.

Ensure that all your anti-virus software remains relevant and up-to-date. If it means checking once a day, so be it.

Once support ceases, there will not be any software updates, nor will there be any security patches of the like. XP users will be left to fend for themselves.