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Wifi connection but no internet access? - Printable Version

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Wifi connection but no internet access? - 454 - 06-20-2014 02:08 AM

'Aight, im in safety mode + networking right now. Ive tried everything: CMDprompt: ipconfig /release + /renew < nope, netsh int ip reset reset.log, netsh winsock reset catalog <nope, settings: Used google DNS (IPv4, IPv6) < nope Disabled Firewall < nope, Disabled Norton + AEG < Nope Clean Boot < nope
Only thing working is Safe Mode +networking
Internet works fine on all my other devices

- DeMoNsLaYeR575 - 06-20-2014 02:09 AM

try a different computer.... if it works then your computer might have a bad nic card
if it does not work then contact your ISP
also try to ping something...

- Syberious - 06-20-2014 02:22 AM

If it works in safe mode.........then it probably isn't the nic

It's something open that shouldn't be........msconfig it turn everything off at startup that doesn't need to be on...and virus scan/malware scan... you probably went tweak crazy and changed something that you shouldn't have .............. might even try uninstalling and reinstalling the network adapter(s)

- Abhishek - 06-20-2014 02:33 AM

try a different computer.... if it works then your computer might have a bad nic card
if it does not work then contact your ISP
aIf it works in safe mode.........then it probably isn't the nic

It's something open that shouldn't be........msconfig it turn everything off at startup that doesn't need to be on...and virus scan/malware scan... you probably went tweak crazy and changed something that you shouldn't have .............. might even try uninstalling and reinstalling the network adapter(s)
lso try to ping something...

- Howard - 06-20-2014 02:39 AM

Restart you pc. It is better go to maker nick.

- NortonSupport - 06-20-2014 02:41 AM

Did you try ipconfig /flushdns? Can you check if the Wifi router shows up in the Network Security Map of Norton and set as "Full Trust"?

Norton Support