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Do you think it was weird that I cried? - Printable Version

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Do you think it was weird that I cried? - lisa - 06-20-2014 04:00 AM

My ex and I recently started dating again. He's cheated on me in the past and he flirted with another girl recently on Facebook. While we were having sex today he was on top of me and I started thinking about him hurting me again and started to cry. He stopped for a few minutes and asked what's wrong and I told him that I didn't want to be hurt again.
I want the truth. I'm very emotional and I hate that about myself. I really didn't want to cry but all I could think about was the last time we had sex and he texted a girl the next day on Facebook saying he wanted to have sex with her. That really hurt and was recent and I took him back again after doing that.

- ~cinnamon~ - 06-20-2014 04:10 AM

Do you want the blunt honest truth or the sweet nice version that makes you feel better?

I will answer accordingly


I think you have to either let what he has done go, or let him go! One or the other. Your only going to drive him away if you continue on with overthinking it all and living out these emotions for what ifs because of what has been. I am not defending him at all or his previous actions, but its simple either you forgive and forget and gamble on it might turn around, or you leave and don't look back. But if you continue to cry about what ifs to him you will drive him further away.

- AVE - 06-20-2014 04:20 AM

fucking bullshit -no offense- but i agree w/ cinnamon do u want the nice version or the truth

- KHAAAAN! - 06-20-2014 04:25 AM

Once a cheater, always a cheater. This isn't a cold hard fact, but it IS a general rule. Cheating is a good indicator of how a person deals with relationship problems and not getting their needs met. Instead of talking about it, working it out, or walking away from a sinking ship, he flirts with other girls or he cheats. Cheating is symptomatic of emotional immaturity, and it's highly unlikely he'll ever change.

Your choices are to give him another chance and completely let go of the past, which is understandably difficult and would probably best be done through couples counseling, or to break it off because the trust is gone. Personally, I'd opt for the latter, because the kind of selfish, self serving attitude that makes a a cheater a cheater (generally) is a character flaw that, unless they recognize, acknowledge, and genuinely seek professional help, isn't going to change.