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Can my school punish me for something i did on fb that does not involve them? - Printable Version

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Can my school punish me for something i did on fb that does not involve them? - 194 - 06-20-2014 05:59 AM

I'm in year 9, i was in a relationship with a girl that goes on the same school bus as me, as there are a girl and boys school (grammar school) and they are separate. When she dumped me, which was a harsh break up (dumping me over the phone and peer pressure from friends), i was really p*ssed off so i went on her fb account (she forgot that she gave me her password ages before) and got a private conversation of her bitching about her friend and made it into a status. It caused a LOT of trouble and tension with her group of friends, so she went and told one of her teachers. When this happened, she had her suspicions it was me, so she told that teacher it could be possibly me. My head of year came up to me claiming the girls school had 'evidence' i posted the status. I denied it all and said i didnt do it, cos what can the school possibly do about it. I know unauthorised access is illegal by law, but what the actual hell can the school do? They say the police could interfere if they wanted to call them, but i doubt they could prove anything about me doing anything. So is it actually possible that the school could possibly exclude or punish me for something that does not even involve them?

- RUKiddingtoo - 06-20-2014 06:02 AM

Yep, so can the law.

- Alfred - 06-20-2014 06:13 AM

Well, first of all from what you've said, your a dick. Secondly, no they can't do anything about it. They can only deal with things happening during or relating to school unless you continue harrasing her. Then she can claim it's affecting her studies, which now becomes relating to school and allows them to intervene.

- Michael T - 06-20-2014 06:18 AM

things that bring bad feelings or bad publicity to such an institution do effect them.

they should boot your Butt out of their school

as to the police you had to access her facebook account from a computer connected to the Internet

there is a record of that transaction [computer at ip address logging on to that FB account at such a time and posting this information] which the police can retrieve and use to nail your butt to the train tracks

to the rest of the internet world reading this

relationships are seldom permanent and the acquaintances you make for the most part are not trustworthy
use your password to protect your information
sharing your password is stupid

it allows the other person to use your account for nefarious purposes

Don't be Stupid keep your password to yourself