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i posted pics of myself on bfs fb wall n he deletes? - Printable Version

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i posted pics of myself on bfs fb wall n he deletes? - 273 - 06-20-2014 10:56 AM

he deletes them. im 22 n hes 25. I don't want this to sound petty. I also in the past posted pics of us together n he deleted those too. I confronted him about it, bc I thought it was mean...n weird. he freaked out on me saying "its facebook r u kidding me? ur takin it seriously?" im like wut am I supposed to think, im ur gf n u delete the pics of me.. n the pics of us lying together.. but your friends post pics on ur fb and u don't delete them. n whyd u bother takin the time to delete them if fb not important? ur takin it seriously by deleting it! he freaked the f out..this was taking place just a lil while ago when he was driving me home. I got out of the car n slammed the door. n then he rang my doorbell started crying and apologized sayin he was sorry, hes in love with me n doesn't wanna lose me, and im the only one ever bin there 4 him.i hugged him n wiped his tears away n saisd its ok. I went inside n went on fb. he blocked me just now. I know bc I have a fake fb and I checked. he still has a fb. he blocked me...n he just txted saying "I cant believe ur suspicious of me, u hurt me. there u don't have to see anything anymore." ARE U KIDDING ME?!after all that!!! n then he unblocked me n said do u feel better? im like ..every girl in the world would be upset n suspicious. WTH!? am I overreacting or how would u feel? hes not talking to me now bc I spoke my mind

- Silence Dogood - 06-20-2014 11:04 AM

Is English your second language?

- CupcakeWarrior. - 06-20-2014 11:17 AM

omg you are not over reacting! I hate it when guys act like tools and act as if they're acting normal and you're not! Happens to me all the time ughhh. I'd break up with him to be honest if it happens again. Sounds like he wants to cheat in my opinion so he doesn't want everyone to know he has a girlfriend.

- Kittysue - 06-20-2014 11:25 AM

If he doesn't want you to post pictures of you two together on Facebook, then he is not serious about you and doesn't want people to know you are dating. I would dump him. He should be proud to show pictures of him and his girlfriend on his page, not embarassed, if he actually liked you

- J - 06-20-2014 11:33 AM

This is one messed up society where social media is now how people spy on each other. You shouldn't be posting on his page. He apparently doesn't like it. It's HIS page, not YOURS. Do what you want on your own page. He feels like you are violating his space. You feel like he is denying your relationship. Stop trying to dominate his page with your pictures. Post on your own page to profess your love. Maybe he feels you are mushing and bitchifying his page with your posts. Maybe his friends give him a lot of flack over it. Leave it alone and stop obsessing over his page. It's not your say so what he does with it. Just like he has no say so over yours. You are driving him nuts and yourself in the process. This is self destructive to your relationship girl.

- smile - 06-20-2014 11:35 AM

You need to trust him , you do your part. You love this person trust him. You havent actually seen him with another girl. I think you are pushing it, he probably feels your insecurities. Dont force FB on him, let him post what he wants. You have to trust, if hes cheating it'll come out. But if hes not then he'll love you more for trusting him.

- Angelica - 06-20-2014 11:44 AM

Hes just a jerk.

- Keshava - 06-20-2014 11:59 AM

I highly recommend using to be able to unblock web sites. I have been with them since four years.