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does internet connection type have an effect on webcamera picture delays? - Printable Version

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does internet connection type have an effect on webcamera picture delays? - littlejane214 - 06-20-2014 01:30 PM

Setup a new laptop camera and the picture has a major delay. I have wireless internet. Does the internet connection type cause the picture to be slower/faster?

- Chip - 06-20-2014 01:46 PM

yes and no.

Your internet connection speed is the major factor in the delay, and certain connection types tend to have better speeds than others.

The primary internet connection that your wireless router draws from is the main determiner of speed.

Also be aware that if the guy on the other end has a slow connection then it will slow both of you down. Even if you have the best connection man has ever seen it won't mean anything if the guy on the other end is plodding along on DSL.