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How can I get a Wi-Fi connection for my phone ? - Printable Version

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How can I get a Wi-Fi connection for my phone ? - 025 - 06-20-2014 02:06 PM

So, when it comes to Wi-Fi, I'm a total ignorant (Not really) but I still know it's a wireless internet Tongue
Our neighbour (who is a computers specialist) has an ADSL router (Registered on our name but he pays the bill since he's renting our garage) and he passed a network cable to our 5 ports Hub, only 2 ports are used though (The family's computer and my laptop)
So .... I was wondering if there's a "way" to get a Wi-Fi connection for my phone (I don't wanna use the laptop much often) I have seen those USB adapters like these :

So ..... Can anyone tell me if these things work ...... And please no answers like : "Your neighbour is a computer specialist .... Go ask him !!"

- hbk - 06-20-2014 02:10 PM

>if the wireless signal is very low and u couldn't get phone to access then u need to get a range extender or an access point
>the links whichever u've given won't be useful for connecting ur phone instead
>check the below links

P.S 1st link will work in powerline u can plug it in power socket and connect wirelessly but make sure no surge protector or spike buster is installed in electrical line in that case it might/might not work

2nd link is APs where u can connect to the hub and through wireless to any devices including phone

Hope it helps

- Pete - 06-20-2014 02:21 PM

hbk is right.