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Do listings sell more as auctions rather than buy it now? - Printable Version

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Do listings sell more as auctions rather than buy it now? - al x - 06-20-2014 03:54 PM

Do you think it is worth turning buy it now listings into auctions on a Sunday night rather than being a buy it now listing?


- Jake - 06-20-2014 04:07 PM

Auctions make more sense for one of a kind unique collector's items that would tend to attract competitive bidding in a regular auction hose.

I found bidding to be a pain for more everyday products.

- love in siberia - 06-20-2014 04:09 PM

Auctions vs. Buy it Now is something you can't say one will work over the other 100% of the time. I never get anything to sell near what i want it to on auction, if it sells at all. Auctions are good for kid's lots of clothes in certain seasons, rarities, antiques, etc. Most of our stuff sells on a weekend, or tuesday.

- Alan - 06-20-2014 04:25 PM

Much depends on the item. I have switched to Buy It Now as I am getting much better results due to impulse buys. Many buyers do not want to wait to make a purchase, so when they are looking for an item - they want it when the mood strikes.

Also with Buy It Now, keep Friday in mind. I always see a peak in sales on payday.

Auctions are still the best for collectibles, however watch that ending time! Sunday night isn't always the best time to end anymore. Many people I know have moved to Monday night. The reason? Family obligations over the weekend, and many people are traveling back home when the auction ends. However if you have an auction end on Monday, that Sunday person will see it and won't mind waiting another day.