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Should I tell my mom the shocking truth about my dead friend? - Printable Version

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Should I tell my mom the shocking truth about my dead friend? - 985 - 06-20-2014 08:58 PM

When I was a kid, I lived in Ohio. There aren't a lot of Asian people in Ohio. In fact, at my elementary school, there were only 2 - me and this kid, EC. So we hung out and did stupid kid stuff.

But then my mom met his mom, and they started talking and exchanging contact info. That's when EC started getting competitive with me. Around that time, I got accepted into the GT program. In fact, I scored the highest grade ever on the Ohio GT test. EC didn't get in.

I was also started winning piano, math, spelling bee competitions. There was even this doodle that I drew in class that won first place at an art competition. Meanwhile, EC entered the same competitions and lost and couldn't really keep up. Then we pretty much stopped being friends, and he became very standoffish. Whenever I saw his mom, she would tell me how smart I was then treat EC like krap for it.

Years went by. I moved away but my mom kept giving me updates on how EC's doing. I added him on FB, and we talked but he just wanted to brag about how much better he was doing than me. But when we were suppose to go off to college, I found out that EC killed himself because he didn't get into the school of his choice. Honestly, he deserved it because he was an a-ho|e.

What's creepy is that EC's mom still tells my mom how great EC's doing. And my mom uses it to nag me. Should I tell my mom that EC's actually dead? In a way, some of the blame falls on my mom so IDK. It's kind of a shocker and she doesn't NEED to know
Here's how I know he's dead:
1. On FB, all the messages say RIP, and he hasn't posted in over 5 years.
2. I asked a mutual friend who said he killed himself because he couldn't get into Yale.
3. He use to message me in through emails or some form of instant messaging about once a month. Haven't heard from him in 5 years.
4. His mom says he got into Yale, but I called the registrar and they said that person doesn't go there. Also, his FB doesn't say he went to Yale, and he would've updated that
Patricia, I think it's harsh of you to judge 2 people you've never met. You don't know this guy, I do. Even if you're right, I'm still in a better position to understand what kind of person he is than you are. If I wasn't limited in number of characters, I can explain to you exactly how terrible of a person this guy was. And what I meant was I felt like he deserved it, but I ran out of space so I deleted a few words. Actually, didn't even have enough space to write the final period.

- dan - 06-20-2014 08:59 PM

Tell your mom. That's weird.

- Ford_Craney - 06-20-2014 09:03 PM

His mom either has mental problems or you got some bad info concerning him.I would tell your mom that you heard he had killed himself and when.It may not be true and if it is, then his mom need some help and quick.

- bailey - 06-20-2014 09:18 PM

Before you tell your mom about that make sure he's actually dead first. Because either he's still alive and well or his moms lost her marbles.

- Patricia - 06-20-2014 09:25 PM

If a person kills himself it's because his life issues weigh much more than his ability to cope. It isn't about one thing, it's about an accumulation of life issues. And the day comes which places the straw the breaks the camel's back.

I think it's a bit harsh of you to say he deserved it because he was an a-hoIe. He was a human being with feelings, and he was in dire pain. Are you a sociopath or what?