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Trying To Choose A deviantArt Username? Any Ideas? - Printable Version

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Trying To Choose A deviantArt Username? Any Ideas? - Cherry - 06-21-2014 04:19 AM

I'm trying to choose a deviantArt username and can't think of any. I'm looking for ideas to help. My nickname is Beth. I am going to use it to upload my photos.

Some things to keep in mind:

I know they're not considered "professional" by a lot of people (me being one of them!). The only ones I have now was took by a point and shoot. I'm thinking of ordering a dSLR later but don't think I'm going to get in the business side of it. Already looked up info on lighting, ISO, shutter speed, aperture, equipment, etc. xD Just stick with doing family and friends for enjoyment.

What I like;
Where did morbid come from?

- Psy - 06-21-2014 04:24 AM

morbid beth