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VPN not working on iPod Touch 5? - Printable Version

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VPN not working on iPod Touch 5? - Amol - 06-21-2014 12:14 PM

I have been trying to use a VPN to get onto youtube in my school because it is blocked. Whenever I try to connect it just says VPN not responding or some other type of error message and doesn't connect. My friends have Samsung devices and the VPN apps work for them but not me (with an iPod 5 G). I have tried about 10 different VPN's and none of them are working. What should I do?
I have tried many different VPN's like hotspot shield but they always have the same problem and it just pops up with an error message when I try to connect so I don't think it has to do with the problem of the wrong app.

- Nick - 06-21-2014 12:20 PM

What VPN service are you using? It's hard to use one for iPods, but it's completly possible for free. In all honesty, it's rediculously easy for those with Android, like your friends with Samsung devices, just search VPN on the play store and you're greeted with like 100 different apps that all work pretty much the same way. now with an iPod your best bet is to use something like Hotspot Shield, it's the easiest to use but it's limited in the time you can use it, there's really no other free alternatives, but you're welcome to pay for the service, I don't know how much it is, I have an Android phone

- Micheal - 06-21-2014 12:25 PM

Lots of students have this issue with school it seems that they don't go school for learning want to use internet in school to access websites.. Smile That's why school network system using high firewall security to stop things because students want free vpn and its easy to block free vpn service.. if you can't spend few hours without internet then buy a vpn service ...