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Is she still holding on ??? - Printable Version

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Is she still holding on ??? - 885 - 06-21-2014 01:39 PM

So my ex and I broke up about 3 weeks ago. And we really have not spoken she gave my all my stuff that I had at her house. And some other little things we were getting married in May 2014 she called everything off and i know the reason. Why and I'm getting over the fact now but here's. My question. She still has the engagement ring ? She gave my back everything else but the ring is she holding on to something still she also opened up her Facebook again. Bout 3 days ago and all are pics are still up she hasn't deleted them yet she also has a pintrest board that's new about 1week old with my name and had some love quotes and couples tattoos with out initials we met up yesterday so I can give her the paper work for the ring it need to be looked at this week this it will keep it's warranty threw Jared's is there still hope ????? She still loves me she coulda easily deleted the pics off FB or just Gave me the ring back and I coulda taken it myself I'm still very in love with her and would love to work things out but she's the most stubborn person I've ever met in my life Just looking for answers !!!

- Universeone - 06-21-2014 01:39 PM

Of cause.
She is waiting your apologize and ask to come back.
If she refuse, repeat apologize and ask two more times with one werk interval.
Thrn she will back to you.

- just smile - 06-21-2014 01:46 PM

yes she still loves you but her stubborness is eating her. I think u should make up with her.. i broke up with my fiance 1 week before the wedding and called everything off.. but i didnt love him at all, so 1st thing i did is removing the ring and never wore it back.. then went to fb same night of brk up and removed ALL pictures and everything related to him. Honey, she is waiting for u go for her!! get her back.. and get married on May 2014..