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i need iMessage help? - Printable Version

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i need iMessage help? - Matthew - 06-21-2014 03:17 PM

Ok so i have an iPhone 4s and my brother just got the new iPhone. We have the same apple account. How can i make it so that my iMessages from my cell phone number are only available on my phone.I don't want him being able to see my messages. Also how do i make to so that my photos are not able for him to see. how can i make my photos notes and imsgs only available on my phone. I don't want him getting anything at all. I also need help on photo stream and how not to let my photos go to him and his photos to me. Please help me thank you

- meee - 06-21-2014 03:22 PM

For the messages, if you go to settings, there's an option to turn off iMessage, so you will use regular text messages, which go directly to your number. (settings -> messages -> iMessage off) And for the photos, there's also an option in settings to turn off photo stream (settings -> photo's & camera -> photo stream off)

Hope I helped Smile