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Google chrome failing to launch properly? - Printable Version

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Google chrome failing to launch properly? - 266 - 06-21-2014 05:28 PM

Today, I turned my computer on, opened chrome, and wanted to watch a video. Well, that didn't happen. First, the video loads completely, then only plays for 3 seconds. and in those 3 seconds, no sound comes out either. Now I just thought restarting my computer would fix. Nope. Tried reinstalling. Nope.

When I view a page, I notice something different. Next to the address is a blank page. I've never seen that before so I'm thinking google chrome just updated or something. Also, when I open google chrome, it should show in the volume control settings. But it doesn't so my computer fails to see that google chrome has opened.

Does anyone else have this issue or no how to fix?
Sorry for double post, google chrome said the page failed to load when I clicked submit.

Also another thing, it doesn't load some pages. When I clicked on my profile, it said it failed to load. It does this with other websites to.
Sound works when I don't have my headphones plugged in. But as soon as they are plugged in everything stops working. Videos don't play, no sound. But when I unplug them, everything works fine.

- 628 - 06-21-2014 05:35 PM

you should reinstall google chrome then
