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Guys, is it a turn off if a girl has little or no friends at all? - Printable Version

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Guys, is it a turn off if a girl has little or no friends at all? - 963 - 06-21-2014 05:38 PM

So if you're interested in a girl but you find out she has no best friend(s) or any good friends. Even might have no friends at all, would that turn you off or would you not care? Or maybe you're not interested in her but its just some girl. Like this is pretty much me. I may have just a couple friends at school I talk to but I don't consider myself close with them at all. I never hang out with anyone outside of school except for maybe 1 person, who I don't consider to be close with me and she has her own best friend. I'm usually the girl walking to classes or going into the bathroom alone and not those people standing in the halls chatting with their group of friends. I just got to thinking about this cause it was my birthday recently and only 5 people posted on my face book. Its just embarrassing to me and I think about people seeing my face book and thinking I have no friends. Also, the last guy I dated, which was the only guy I've ever dated said to me one night, " No offence but it seems like you don't really have a social life" I don't remember the exact words but it was something along those lines. It made me feel really bad and I still think about it. When I date guys in the future should I just be honest about not having any good friends or not bring it up or what? So I just want some honest answers from guys and what you think. Girls could answer too or anyone that relates with me. Thanks!

- Dave - 06-21-2014 05:41 PM

I guess it depends on her personality type. If she's introverted then it's not really a red flag because introverts generally like spending time alone and the friends they do have are choosen carefully.

- SincerellySerious - 06-21-2014 05:45 PM

While it is true that we are created as social creatures, some of us are okay with living a solitary lifestyle. Sometimes people prefer to stick to themselves because its their comfort zone. You should never let anyone make you feel bad for living the way you do. I have little to no social life myself, to the point where in all honesty and truth I have a total of 4 friends. That includes my family. Also, don't ever be embarrassed by having few friends, we live in an age where having 500+ friends on Facebook is a badge of status...but that's not what true friends are.

"True friends are not the people with a long list of friends, they are the people who cherish the few that they have"

Be thankful for the five people who DID post on your Facebook.There are people who don't have anyone, and the difference is that it ISN'T by choice.

The question is whether you want to continue this lifestyle, or if you are looking to change it.

- Jaz - 06-21-2014 05:57 PM

look, social life is a massive issue in school for almost everyone that takes the time to worry about it. I had the same issues. i wont go into how unimportant relationships are in school because im shure youve heard that shit many times before, however, i will say that any dude judging you for your social status is a complete and utter plastic fool. Those people will bring you NO happiness. If you neef someone, WAIT. A relationship has to be based on love, not judgement. Yes, i know, it sounds cheesy, but its true. A relationship based on anything other than unconditional love is a waste of your time and will, in the end, bring nothing but pain.

- Q - 06-21-2014 06:06 PM

You are an introvert and that is not at all a bad thing. You are content being alone. The people in the groups in the corridors are extroverts. For them being popular with people is super important.
Luckily there are more than one ways to be popular. Doesnt have to always be gossiping or showing off in groups.
Bottom line is people do not like you for who you are. But for what value you bring to their life.
Thats what being popular is. People flock to popular people as they feel just being seen with a popular person improves their social status as well. Higher social status means higher survivability.
You need to find what your passion in life is and start adding value to peoples lives using that. Just an example: say you like photography, then offer to be the photographer at some party. That way you can do what you like and also be popular.

- starrynight200 - 06-21-2014 06:12 PM

lol wow your ex-bf was a jerk. it would not turn me off and i wouldnt think negatively about that at all. us gentlemen would never hold that against you or anyone. i don't see it as a problem really. i would introduce you to my friends and grow the circle unless you didnt want to be close to anyone which is totally fine. most people only have small circles to begin with and lots who dont have any friends at all. as long as you are happy and enjoying life it doesnt really matter.

dating in the future i would think you could just tell them something like "im only close with a small circle and dont really go out with anyone".

Also, Happy Birthday Sammy =D FB is really stupid. i really wouldnt worry about how many posts you get.

good luck hope i helped!