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how to create a discussion and invite several FB users to join to discuss? - Printable Version

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how to create a discussion and invite several FB users to join to discuss? - rio - 06-21-2014 09:20 PM

Wall-to-wall limits to 2 people only. A photo allows more than 2 people to leave messages. I found a Discussion Board application but it doesn't let me install to my user profile. Is there any way to create a discussion and invite more than one FB users to join to discuss altogether?
BTW, I want the discussion keeps opened to be read by other friends who're not invited. I also think that creating a group for a general discussion topic is inappropriate.

- Sarah - 06-21-2014 09:32 PM

I wouldn't start a FB page if I had a gun to the back of my head. You do know it's basically just handing all your details and movements straight to the CIA and NSA, don't you?

You are probably being monitored and identified right now by their software linking your Yahoo! account to your FB page from their central database.

God speed, my friend.