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How to Connect One 3G Router to Another establish ideal Network? - Printable Version

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How to Connect One 3G Router to Another establish ideal Network? - 465 - 06-21-2014 09:40 PM

I have two routers,One 3G router1 (local cheap brand),another one is the most advance router2(300 mbps,dual band).I don't have broadband connection at my place, so i decided to use a 3G router to access internet.Router2 doesn't have 3G capability,so i have to connect to router1 for internet access.
My router2 would be connnected with one of my desktop (need port forwarding to 3389,permanent ip address config), NAS system (again need a permanent ip config) and mobile phones.I am planning to configure the free Dynamic DNS service to access my desktop,NAS system remotely over internet using router2.The router1 can assign a limited number of DHCP over radio (max wifi connection to 10 users), therefore i am planning to disable the DHCP service of router1 and enable the DHCP service of router2. Also, i would like to use my router2 for HD video streaming. Basically, i want to use router2 for all services except internet access as i have no other option rather than 3G router1.
Note: I can connect my router1 to router2 using LAN cable. My 3G router have only one RJ25 port and router2 have 4LAN and 1WAN port.

One possible solution:-
Router1 config: DHCP is disabled,select diff channel from Router2(make sure no frequency interferenc),same SSID,no port forwarding or permanent ip setup possible as DHCP is disable
Roter2 config: DHCP is enabled,diff channel from Router1,same SSID as Router1(,config port forwarding,permanent ip config

Please suggest me the solution of my query.

- Nick - 06-21-2014 09:44 PM

You have to connect the routers together using their LAN ports, you have to have the WAN port of the second router not connected. When you do this then there is only one LAN for both routers.

You also have to make sure the management addresses of the two routers are unique.

It doesn't matter which DHCP you leave enabled, as long as it's only one of them. If one router does static DHCP and the other doesn't, then use the one that does, static DHCP is too useful and makes your port forwarding easier without having to assign a static address.

The port forwarding has to be done on the first router, as it is the one connected to the Internet. Port forwarding doesn't care about DHCP, it only cares about IP addresses.

If you want to have both WiFi access points operational, they have to have separate SSID's and need to be set up to use different channels.