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Why does I-Tunes suck so bad? Why can I never sign in? - Printable Version

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Why does I-Tunes suck so bad? Why can I never sign in? - who WAS #1? - 06-22-2014 02:44 AM

ALWAYS the damned thing gives me the runaround.
I only use it for updating mp3 podcasts, so I only go through this hell every few months.

I have to go through getting an Apple ID, reset the password, but apparently the username it uses on the confirmation email is not the username. Or something.

Why is it so complex?
I can get the podcasts from their source and put them on my computer but how does one transfer them to an apple nano player? I think one has to use some apple secret handshake or something so I thought I had to go through i-tunes. If there is a way to move them from computer to nano, I wouldn't have to use i-tunes any more.

- Angeleyes - 06-22-2014 02:45 AM

I know how you feel, the same thing happens to me over and over. I hate it too.

- Parrot Trooper - 06-22-2014 02:57 AM

It is all part of its breathless charm.

- 261 - 06-22-2014 02:58 AM

Me, too. change password, etc. As a result, I have nothing from ITunes. So now I have a Music folder in my email. Find what I want on YouTube email it to myself. It's there and free. Kaput.

- Benny - 06-22-2014 03:05 AM

Why does I-Tunes suck so bad?

It's a Mac!