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I blocked my family on FB and now I feel like a jerk? - Printable Version

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I blocked my family on FB and now I feel like a jerk? - 909 - 06-22-2014 03:17 AM

A little while ago I blocked my mom, dad, and little brothers. It wasn’t with malicious intent. I just was tired of seeing ten rants a day about how Obama is an evil socialist and how we’re near the end of times because of the acceptance of gay marriage. And I didn’t like that my mom was constantly snooping around on my page, commenting and liking everything I posted. And I was sick of feeling like I had to sensor everything I said. So I just blocked them all. Does that mean I’ve disowned them? No. But I think that’s how my mom feels, because my uncle came down to visit and he was talking to my mom (his sister) on the phone and after he was done talking to her he asked me if I had unfriended her. This leads me to believe she is likely feeling hurt that I unfriended her. Ugh stupid social networking. Anyways, I need some information from her for my FAFSA for this year for college so I’m probably going to call her tomorrow to ask for her email and I’m afraid she’ll bring up the whole FB block thing. We don’t really talk regularly and we live in different states. I don’t know how to explain my reasoning behind blocking the family in a way she’ll understand and not be offended. Ugh.

- vcoop - 06-22-2014 03:19 AM

Any relationship, whether it be romantic, friendship, family, etc. that is affected by something as stupid as Facebook is a weak relationship not worth saving.

- poopyh - 06-22-2014 03:34 AM

I do the same thing. My uncle is constantly posting religious videos and links. I'm Christian, but I'm not friends with him so that I can see stuff from church, I was genuinely interested in his life and, because I don't see him much, this was a good way to keep in touch. He never updated his status about anything personal so I deleted him. I'm kind of old so I don't really care about if my family doesn't like me, because I don't like them.

What I did when I was younger was make my privacy settings really restrictive to my family, church people, or work friends so that I didn't have to censor anything like posts or pictures. Also, you can hide all timeline activity from certain people (make a list that includes all family) and then you won't be bothered by their posts.

What I would do is say that you got drunk or your friend was messing around and deleted a bunch of people on your FB and that you'll add everyone back...the only reason that you hadn't yet is because you didn't realize who was gone.
That's kind of a stupid explanation, but if you need them for something, I would try to appease their desire to be FB friends.

I would just add everyone back and them restrict them from seeing anything other than certain approved posts and your profile pics!

- Joshua - 06-22-2014 03:46 AM

#FDB Na na na na man you gotta tell your mom what's Repeat after "Mom let me tell you what the dr. Told me Fuck you dumb bitch" Thats should fix all the problems

Have a nice day

- BRi - 06-22-2014 04:01 AM

Isn't there a way to be friends with someone on Facebook but not see their posts? Isn't that called like Following? You can be friends with them but unfollow them and their stuff won't show up in your feed? Maybe, I don't know. I'm not the best with facebook.

You could maybe say you did it on accident? That probably wouldn't work.

You could say that you didn't like all the political views in your feed and you got sick of it that one day and decided to block everyone, but now you're over it (even though you're not) and if it hurts her feelings you'll undo it (but then you have to go back to the rants again. But then maybe try the unfollow thing?)

You could say the evil NSA did it, not you! (just kidding. Say Obama hacked your fb account instead.)

I'm not sure if you are trying to explain the problem to her while keeping your blocked status, or if you are trying to make up and keep peace. I am the 'keeping peace kind and fine I'll just take the hit of seeing all the rants I give up on you people' type of person. So maybe none of my suggestions are helpful.

You could hack into her account and then set her status updates to not include you and then every time she makes a post it wouldn't send to you.

You could just explain your reasoning calmly and rationally and apologize for any hurt feelings you may have unintentionally caused, but you decided you wanted to use your social networking site as a friend's only social networking site and it's nothing personal.

You could just explain to her the truth and then everyone can act as though they are mature adults? But that is rarely the case.