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Help with a sexual harrassment case? - Printable Version

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Help with a sexual harrassment case? - 725 - 06-22-2014 03:19 PM

someones been on my friends facebook account pretending to be her asking me incredibly personal questions about my sex life. i was ok with telling her because ive known her for so long and I'm comfortable with that, but the person pretending to be her was asking me to do a three way and a porno with her and this guy. "she" told me the name of him and said he was over 18. i just found out today that it wasnt her. i know its illegal to discuss that stuff with a minor (I'm 16) after they told us about sexting yesterday in school. also its illegal to impersonate/hack someone. i contacted facebook and i called my local police department and left a message saying i wanted to report sexual harassment.
so my question is: what exactly can i get this person charged with? will he register as a sex offender? and does my friend that he was impersonating have to get involved with this? because i spoke to the real her and she doesnt want to be involved at all because she doesnt want to deal with that.
also, if there ends up being a court case do my parents have to know/go? i dont want them knowing about anything that was discussed.
i also said "maybe" to the porno because i didnt want her to feel uncomfortable, but ive told "her" ive thought about making them. can this affect me?

- billcroghan - 06-22-2014 03:21 PM

Everyone involved will have to get involved, your real friend, your parents, the perpetrator, the police and Facebook. Anything you put on Facebook might be seen by anyone. Delete your accounts and your friends and start over.

- Glenriven - 06-22-2014 03:29 PM

the WWW in http:\www means world wide web. That is WORLD WIDE web. Do you really want to post anything personal about yourself on a WORLD WIDE WEB service? If you have a personal item to discuss with your friends, wise up. Don't do it on a site that shares information world wide. Just tell her in private. Nothing is private on the internet. If you don't want your other acquaintances or parents to know what you share with your close friends, a good place to start is by not posting to a site open to everyone in the entire world. Use a bit of common sense.

- MS03 - 06-22-2014 03:34 PM

I wouldn't bother. it's very hard to get hacked on Facebook .your "friend" must have forgot to log off in a library or public place and the "hacker" is just using it to mess around or play with you. don't even contact the Feds because you don't want to make it a big deal. Let it go, no harassment is shown unless the person stalks you or even touches you.
You don't want to put yourself in a tough situation especially when your a minor .

Just tell your Facebook friend to change the password and then deactivate the account . It's prolly just a kid messing around with you from your high school.

Stay calm and let it go. Don't make it a big deal to involve the parents because it can get very embarrassing . Let it go as a joke .

- Sereid - 06-22-2014 03:50 PM

First, why are you wasting the best and most formative years of your life on Facebook? You have to first prove this person committed a crime. If they are charged with one, it will most likely only be a misdemeanor and I don't think misdemeanor sex crimes wind up on the sex offender registry. BTW, someone who jumps out of the bushes and rapes an adult won't get put on the registry but someone who is 18 and has consensual sex with their 15 year old GF will. GOOFY.

The best thing to do is close your FB account and go outside. Problems solved. Future employers and colleges, while vetting you, will look at your posts, friends, likes and comments. I hope they are all good ones.