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Is this false advertising? - Printable Version

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Is this false advertising? - James - 06-22-2014 06:12 PM

I took a subscription out with Great Magazines, on the promise that I would get a free copy of a game I wanted. For months it didnt turn up, and I made a complaint. They then said they would get the game for me following the complaint and it would be here in 28 days. That was a week ago, and now, after me emailing them, they have offered a game I already have, saying they have run out of the game I ordered! Is this false advertising, as I feel like i have been tricked into subscribing

- Bazza - 06-22-2014 06:16 PM

Ask for a full refund on the basis that you were misled.

- Cala - 06-22-2014 06:31 PM

It depends on what the small print said. It is more than likely that the small print has a clause stating that they reserve the right to change the offer at any time. This is common practice and I would be very surprised if this clause is not in there somewhere.
So, you need to check the small print. If you can't find that clause, or something similar, then write to them and demand that they send the incentive that they offered.