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I no nothing about this girl but I have a huge crush? Advice for talking to her on facebook? - Printable Version

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I no nothing about this girl but I have a huge crush? Advice for talking to her on facebook? - bananas - 11-09-2012 08:45 AM

We're both 19 and she was in the class below me in highschool. I see her working at walmart and I think she is the cutest girl ever and I can just picture us together forever. She is laid back, she is a hoodie-wearing, quiet, book-worm, kinda-girl. I know nothing about her besides she wears hoodies, she has rabbits as pets, she's single, and she goes to college here. I just sent her a friend request but I don't know what to do. If she accepts, should I talk to her? How can I get to know her without coming off random or/and creepy? I've never had a girlfriend or anything before, and I've never felt this way about a girl before. I go to walmart all the time now to see if she is there. Any advice? I've never done anything like this before and I don't know how to proceed. Conversation ideas would be helpful.

- Waffle - 11-09-2012 08:54 AM

Just be yourself. Thats all there is to it. Smile

- Mollie - 11-09-2012 08:54 AM

You could just say Hi.
Talk to her A LOT at Wal-Mart first though. Easy and Simple. I hope it works out! Big Grin

- ngp590 - 11-09-2012 08:54 AM

If she accepts your friend request.Just take it slow and gradually send personnel message asking her
about herself.What's better tell her that you see her at Walmart and you think she pretty.

- Broken Heart - 11-09-2012 08:54 AM

Make sure you don't sound too desperate. Talk to her when she accepts your friend request. Just remind her about your school days and also ask her about her job. Make sure you do make up 2-3 flirty lines in between complementing her on her looks and also ask her about her past(although you know she didn't have one, it gives her a hint at a relationship) Try to keep in constant touch.. Ask for her number and try to place humour in your conversation... But be careful, don't sound too desperate... Smile

- maybemarvelous - 11-09-2012 08:54 AM

have a conversation starter. something like "hey, i've seen you around, and i know we've never talked but you seem really nice!"
-DON'T be really flirty or anything. it'll creep her out! be nice and respectful.
-if she responds with something like "um? okay?" or "uhhh i don't know you" apologize for coming across too forward.
-don't try to be someone you're not.
-after a little while, say you have to go but ask for her number because you really enjoyed talking to her. then if she gives it to you, call her the next day (don't do the three day thing..) and ask if she'd like to meet up for some coffee sometime.
good luck! Smile