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How do I get more traffic on my blog? - Printable Version

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How do I get more traffic on my blog? - Clara - 06-22-2014 09:16 PM

I own a blog, it's called "Being a girl in the north country" I searched it on Google its not even on the second page its mostly about my life I'm wondering how to get people to view my blog and comment.

- Jamsy77 - 06-22-2014 09:17 PM

Nobody reads blogs anymore. Welcome to the 21st century.

- Martyn - 06-22-2014 09:32 PM

Try to post a lot of good quality posts and make your blog look a lot more interesting , do not try and advertise your blog , the people ( guests ) will come to you, and next you need a domain name like ( .com , .org , .info ) a domain name extension makes your blog a lot more professional and neat, now try getting a lot of bloggers that have good punctuation and good grammar , don't get too many bloggers and make sure they are not people that just say random stuff, you can try doing a 1 person blog , but just don't do it too simple. try keeping it unique and I can say , you will get a lot of traffic in no time!