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Which anti-virus can I install on my laptop which dosen't have internet connection? - Printable Version

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Which anti-virus can I install on my laptop which dosen't have internet connection? - Dylan - 06-22-2014 10:29 PM

I have a old computer with windows xp on it and it dosen't have internet because it dosent have wireless so I cant be fncked using a cable. I still want some protection on it cause I might get a virus from a usb or something like that. So do I need a anti-virus such as Avast! or AVG? Or will malwarebytes anti malware do the job?
And if I need something like Avast! (just the free version will do I think), how do I install it without internet connection or is there another anti-virus which I can install without internet connection but is resonable to use not just some old crap which wont protect me at all?

- Mrs Sue E Side - 06-22-2014 10:30 PM

download it from another computer but don't click open click save, then copy the folder to media of your choice like a flash drive, then copy the folder over onto your other computer then open and run it or just simply open and run it directly from your media its copied to

- The Pretender - 06-22-2014 10:32 PM

Install Avira. You don't need internet connection to install Avira.

- Troy - 06-22-2014 10:34 PM

what about your USB flash drive??
use it
try Avast, it works good

- don piano - 06-22-2014 10:39 PM

You can install any anti-virus without an internet connection - however, it makes it difficult to keep your AV up-to-date at all times without one.

I would suggest Avast! Home Edition - it offers pretty much everything a commercial AV does. Simply install and download the latest updates manually from:


You have to register yearly to use Avast, but it is totally free for home/personal use. Fill out registration details on the computer with internet connection at and rego details will be emailed to you. Write down details and enter them into the computer with Avast.

- yolonda - 06-22-2014 10:44 PM

Avast won't work right without updates?
My Bad here's a portable Avast?

Comodo Internet Security works right out of the box and doesn't need an update to run so give it a try?
Use a flash drive to transfer the install app.

This will be lighter on the resources?
Another one you can use is Malwarebytes and download updates from time to time from there site and transfer the update app over to the laptop and manually install the updated rules?

Auto update DL

Another thing you can do is make Superantispyware Portable and put it on a flash drive and plug it in your laptop and use it to do scans?

Download,install,and UPDATE! Superantispyware on a flash drive using another computer? During install it asks for"Destination Folder" change it from C:/Program Files/SUPERAntispyware to K:/SUPERAntispyware or whatever drive (USB) the flash drive is in?
When your done stick it in your laptops USB, and open Superantispywares file on the flash drive and Dbl click on the SUPERAntispyware app and run a full scan and delete/quarantine all entities it finds.


Go here for all kinds of other portable apps you can use?

- Peteyt - 06-22-2014 10:48 PM

Most Antivirus applications will work without an internet connection. Simply just download from from the computer your using and burn them to a disk, put them on a USB stick or an external.

The only problem with not having internet access is that the definitions won't be able to be updated - meaning you may be vulnerable to new viruses. If you use the same antivirus as you use on your main computer you could possibly be able to take the definitions from the computer to the other one. I'm not sure if that is possible, but it will be clarty.

Have you thought of buying a USB Wireless Adapter and plugging it in - Their not the most reliable things but it will allow you to access your net without running wires through the house.

- Shaun - 06-22-2014 11:04 PM

You can download Microsoft Security Essentials.
You will need to download it to another computer that has internet connection, and copy the installation file to the computer that does not have internet connection.
You will need windows xp sp2 to install this software.
You will need to download updates manually from
and copy it to the computer which does not have internet connection using a usb drive or whatever.