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Problems with internet connection please help? - Printable Version

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Problems with internet connection please help? - stevev221290 - 06-23-2014 03:34 AM

Right, today my brother's internet connection was turned on and he doesnt want to use the router they sent him because its only has 1 ethernet port and he needs 2, so I gave him my old router that connects via USB because his computer has no ethernet port in it, I have set the router up and its all connected but its saying that the router is connected but internet is not yet available and when I tried to see what is wrong it says its the DNS problems, I have tried flushing DNS and its not working it basically says it cant do it.
Has anybody got any thoughts as to why his internet isnt working at all???
My ISP is Utilty warehouse

- Fridley - 06-23-2014 03:39 AM

If you specify what your ISP is I can help you.

- Paul L - 06-23-2014 03:47 AM

The only thing I could think of is to go to your Internet connections folder of your Control panel and check your port configurations amongst other things.
I also suggest using the troublshooting help in your computer's library