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i want to know how to get a better internet connection? - Printable Version

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i want to know how to get a better internet connection? - Will - 06-23-2014 05:23 AM

I will hopefully be having BT Infinity or We will carry on with BT HomeHub, but I want a very powerful internet connection to my room and our house, I will be using both an Xbox 360 and a PC. I have asked for when we build the house to have an Ethernet port in each room, but I thought to get a better connection, I would buy a Router and a Modem? I don't know if these go together and work?
But do I have to have the HomeHub in my room to have the modem and router connected with the ethernet? Im really confused so if you could help that would be great! please if you are going to use technical terms, please say what they mean in simple form! thanks! But I also don't want to spend lots of money?!



Bt Homehub 5:


- Frisky Frogs - 06-23-2014 05:38 AM

If you're going with BT, they'll provide you with the hub anyhow, if you're having ethernet ports installed into every room, you need too have 1 central location where they all route back to, I.e. the cuboard under the stairs, this is the location you want your HUB or ROUTER to be placed when BT come and install the internet for you, then from here, you plug in your standard ethernet cables into the ports routing back into all of the rooms.

That will then provide you with a single internet connection to each port, from there you take a small ethernet cable, into a switch or a wireless hub/router, then onto your other devices in that location, now, you shouldn't need wireless apart from your phone, which personally doesn't require a router in each room/location, as you'll be buying about 5 devices for your household, you ideally need a switch for every room you want internet in, so more then 1 device can connect, i.e. a 5-8 port switch will easily suffice, then you can cable in computers, laptops and Consoles, and then use the wireless from the HUB in the central location.

If you want a hub, try these

8 port switch, your standard 10/100

8 port switch 1gig switchy - faster, but you won't notice that on your network. 10/100/1000

Either of these devices will easily suffice for your home needs, more then suffice, and you don't need to configure any of them either, just plug it in and go.

As i said, routers are a different story, you'll need to set them up to hand out the correct IP addresses across your network, so they don't conflict back over the Home hub, which will stop you gaining access to the network, you'll really want hubs and or wireless access points that will just turn a general Ethernet port/switch into a wireless device to connecting to the network through.

Edit :- The Netgear router you've linked in, that is extremely expensive, you seriously don't need to buy that, and it's also got a built in Modem.

@Eric - This person has stated they are "Building a house" and asked for ethernet ports to be installed in every room, they are already planning on moving house. He want's a fast network.

@john G - I think the poster was mainly referring to network speed, but mistook it for "Fast internet" Hence the reason for wanting Ethernet ports in all rooms, and wireless devices etc, so he could ensure a stable connection throughout the household.

- Eric - 06-23-2014 05:49 AM

The only way to make your internet properly faster is to move house. I'm guessing you don't want to do that.

- John G - 06-23-2014 05:55 AM

BT Openreach are current updating the whole of the UK over the next 5 years or so , the speed you get depends of your exchange and the modems in the street boxes, fibre optic with 70 Mbps will cost you around £40 a month.