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should i cut my internet connection? - Printable Version

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should i cut my internet connection? - shanz2430 - 06-23-2014 05:10 PM

actually i m not studying at all these days.if this thing going on then i"ll definitely fail this year. so i decided that i should cut the internet connection for 4 months. is this the right decision?

- varunM - 06-23-2014 05:20 PM

Well, there is something called self-restraint.If you think you'll keep on studying after cutting Internet connection, You are at wrong, because it will make you waste your time elsewhere e.g.TV. Infact try giving a given amount of time to study, computers, sleep and exercise also

- giveu2tictacs - 06-23-2014 05:31 PM

you could also limit your internet to only using i to research for school, you will need it when takng classes. I couldnt live without it while doing homework and doing papers.

- old_skool_slacker - 06-23-2014 05:38 PM

It might work, but there is a better solution; it's called personal responsibility. In the long run, mastering self-control leads to a higher sense of personal pride and self-worth. By cutting your Internet connection off, what you are implying is that the lure of the Internet is greater than you and your ability to control it. At some level you will be left with the feeling that you were weak and incapable of overcoming some temptation. Personal satisfaction, self-esteem, and self-worth are developed over time by realizing your potential and overcoming the tests of your resolve.

That said, however, if you have a serious problem with self-discipline, it could be that the lure of the Internet is greater than your current level of self-discipline. There is such a thing as biting off more than you can chew. I don't know where you are on the scale of being able to handle temptation. Only you can answer that question. If that's the case, and the presence of the Internet is interfering with your studying that much, you might be better off to nix the connection and focus on building your self-discipline in other smaller areas. I doubt that is the case, though. If you are smart enough to recognize that you are spending too much time on the Internet and considering cutting your Internet access off to remedy the problem, then my money says that you are more than capable of setting strict time limits and sticking to them like they were the word of God. Think of it this way. If human beings can muster the will and spirit to climb mountains, run marathons, settle frontiers, survive the elements and even rocket themselves to the moon and back... are you telling me you can't set a time limit for yourself and stick to it? If Armstrong can set foot on the moon, surely you can summon a smidgen of self-discipline. It might be harder to do, but you'll be better for it.

- Rox - 06-23-2014 05:39 PM

i know u're not gonna do it!!

am also in a similar situation..
well lemmi warn u.. this Y Q&A site is really addictive..

if possible i wud suggest u to cut the net connection.. certainly.. coz it'll really help!