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Does FB make you sad and upset? - Printable Version

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Does FB make you sad and upset? - Anonima - 06-24-2014 05:28 PM

I don't like FB for the most part b/c I feel like it's high school all over again... So full of hypocrites lying and exxagerating their lives. Does anyone else feel this way??
And everyone just really starts to get on my nerves on that thing. It feels like a big popularity contest. What do u do when u feel this way??
Oh, and is it wrong of me to not want to keep in touch with people I DONT LIKE?!

Well honestly, some of these contact that I don't like I have to keep. I want to be more expressive but I have people on there that I cant delete, like family, but i dont want them to know my personal info.

- Chris G - 06-24-2014 05:32 PM

Unfriend those who you don't like.

- cantiqueq - 06-24-2014 05:33 PM

I think FB is actually fun. The only reason why it makes me sad is because i'm not as expressive as my friends in their walls or posts. but if you share your thoughts, i think it will feel amazing.

- 916 - 06-24-2014 05:42 PM

Well, sign off of Facebook when you start to feel this way. When I first made my Facebook account back in my freshman year of college, I used o make fun of those types of people, you know the type. "I just bought my new Prius to help save the planet while I drive to the homeless shelter to volunteer in the soup kitchen and then go read to the blind." Now, I couldn't care less. I deleted so many contacts over my use of the site, and only associate with peeps I actually care about/want them to know my business. If I don't want them knowing my biz, or care about them, they get dumped as a contact. Simple enough. Try it!

- ICHASETHESUN - 06-24-2014 05:56 PM

yes, facebook can be annoying. There are always people that are going to be like that though, dont worry about it too much. Block if needed

- 409 - 06-24-2014 06:05 PM

Sign off FB for 30 days. You don't need it, it doesn't need you.
Find other, better things to do, real things, important things. Then go back with a new perspective, see how truly fake & childish it really is.