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Why when ever I go to my emails I see Obama ads on the right hand side how do I get rid of them .? - Printable Version

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Why when ever I go to my emails I see Obama ads on the right hand side how do I get rid of them .? - - 11-09-2012 08:49 AM

I find it offensive that you don't show Romney ads. And if you endorse Obama only I will find another supplier or get rid of Emails all together and have people contact me on Facebook or phone

- Jepchamp - 11-09-2012 08:58 AM

Those ads are paid for. Romney probably doesn't know what e-mail is, so he's not paying to place ads in e-mails. (BTW, I never get these. What e-mail provider do you have?)

- Md - 11-09-2012 08:58 AM

You can delete your account from the facebook. and cannot log on to stumbleupon using that facebook login.

- Nathan - 11-09-2012 08:58 AM

Romney has to pay Yahoo to endorse ads. If Yahoo does without being approached, Romney and/or Yahoo can get into trouble because to advertise you have to pay money. Since you see no Romney ads, Romney doesn't think Yahoo would be the proper company to display his campaign and gain followers unlike Obama.

- magnumgirl - 11-09-2012 08:58 AM

Yahoo Mail Plus has no ads when you subscribe at $19.95 a year, or:
If you have the firefox browser you can block flash ads by using the flash block pluggin.

Firefox web browser download free here…

Flash block pluggin here…
If you want to block just standard ads from other sites as well as flash ads you can add the ad block pluggin as well here…

- magnumgirl - 11-09-2012 08:58 AM

For free, block ALL pop-ups, pop-unders, banners, and other ads FOREVER with add-ons for any site and any browser. It's fast and easy to do ...

First, enable the pop-up blocker for your browser. The exact method is different in each browser, but it is Tools > Internet Options > Privacy in IE, Tools > Options > Content in Firefox, and under the wrench (gear) in Chrome. You might need to change this setting if it controls certain programs - you would get an on-screen notice.) For newer versions of browsers with no Menu Bar showing Tools, click Alt first ...

Add-ons for different browsers for Windows users ...
For Internet Explorer, Google Chrome, Opera
AdBlock: OR (for IE 8 - might work for IE 9) (for Chrome or Opera)

For Firefox, install 'AdBlock Plus' and/or AdBan (for low-end computers):
*** Also consider Flashblock and NoScript for more blocking and security as well as speed. These can be turned on for individual sites, or just temporarily ...

You cannot remove the ads that are 'embedded' within some pages - they are programmed into the site page itself ...