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My boyfriend dosent talk to me in facebook? - Printable Version

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My boyfriend dosent talk to me in facebook? - blondiepink - 11-09-2012 08:50 AM

He only talks to me in message (inbox) but never in comments or in public status or anything. like today I uploaded my new profile and not one comment from him or like, he bearly declared that were together in fb. When I comment him he won't answer. For example is there something that he likes he message me by saying "you look hot in the pic" I'm like then why don't you comment it?" I get it that we need privacy but this is too much and I don't like it I. Don't like the fact that we only converse there I would like to converse everywhere with him. I thought this was a shy phase but months has past and he is still the same. I don't like it. What to do you guys why is he like this?

- becca - 11-09-2012 08:58 AM

First of all your grammar and writing sucks major balls. "My boyfriend DOESN'T talk to me ON facebook. Ugh go back to highschool sweetheart.

Some guys aren't into the whole facebook thing and commenting a lot and showing off their emotions to the world. He might just be a private person, nothing to do with you or the relationship. I wouldn't worry about it, but if you're really concerned then you should talk to him about it. Not on facebook, but in person and tell him how you feel, he can't read your mind.

- ♥Pinxie♥ - 11-09-2012 08:58 AM

Not to say that your boyfriend might not want to let other females know he's in a relationship, maybe he is awaiting a relationship status from you. Otherwise, does he use facebook to talk to other girls? I would confront this to him in person if I were you. It would honestly hurt me too if a guy did that to me too.

- Zinkee Minkee - 11-09-2012 08:58 AM

Well that's his choice entirely. And who says that if you are in a relationship - you necessarily have to talk on EVERY social website and declare it to the world?!
Let him be! That's his choice - which he has right too!
Force him to do something he does not like to do - and you will loose him!

- mac.rover - 11-09-2012 08:58 AM

He doesn't truly care about you then if he won't do those things