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Should my friend pursue this relationship or let it go? - Printable Version

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Should my friend pursue this relationship or let it go? - A person - 11-09-2012 08:51 AM

So basically my friend Sarah and I have been best friends since freshman year of high school. She goes to UMD now, and I go to community college but we're still tight. So she asked if I wanted to go out partying with her this past weekend (it was homecoming weekend) and I said yeah sure. So we got all dolled up and headed out to "pregame" at Sarah's friend's apartment. There were about 6 other girls there and they had a lot of alcohol. So Sarah and I started doing shots, and tried some whiskey and Sarah goes out partying all of the time, and weighs much more than I do (I'm only 100!) So I didn't even think about it at the time, but I should've taken it slower. I never party.

Anyways in the middle of all of us ladies talking and hanging out I got a call from the midshipmen I sponsor (College students that study at the naval academy, military students, Go Navy Beat Army, all that good stuff) saying he had some friends on their way to party at UMD and we should meet up I said totally give them my number.

Five minutes later I get a call from some midshipmen named Josh asking if they could pregame with us, then head off to their own party. I said sure. So they showed up, changed out of their uniform, and started drinking with us. One was really tall and cute. His name ws Kyle. After that I don't really remember what happened.

Apparently they invited us to go to the party with them and we agreed and Sarah opened up her room for them all to stay in overnight so they wouldn't need a hotel. So they dropped off their stuff there and we all walked to the party. I then remember the guy in charge of the party said they weren't letting any more guys in. They were kind of tipsy at this point so one of the mids wanted to fight him. Kyle tried to calm him down and I got pissed and told Sarah I was going back home b/c I was exhausted. So they all went back to Sarah's and were being loud and Sarah was worried they would get kicked out. So Kyle made everyone shut up and go to sleep. Sarah and Kyle cuddled in Sarah's bed and she told him she wanted to kiss him, he thought about it and said he wanted to too, but she was tipsy and he was sober so he told her it was a bad idea and she might not even like him in the morning. So he kissed her forehead instead and held her all night.

The next day they swapped numbers, and Kyle texted Sarah a little bit throughout the day then stopped. Sarah hasn't said anything else b/c she doesn't want to look pushy. It's the next day and he hasn't said anything all day. Sarah was just so impressed with his maturity and caring she was really hoping they could meet up again. SO I friended Kyle on facebook through my own midshipmen and group messaged them saying we should hang out, the 4 of us and see a movie. My midshipmen agreed, and Sarah said sure, then Kyle said he was running the Marine Corps Marathon this weekend so he couldn't.

Sarah just wants to know straight up if she should text him asking is he is interested in seeing her again, or not. Her feelings won't be hurt, she just wants to know before her hopes are up.

Should she give him more time to respond (he didn't after the message), text him, or just elt it go altogether?

He was so sweet and told her how nice she was and he had fun with her and thanked her for putting up with his friends...... he texted her and asked for her number.... but now nothing?

I told Sarah she should text him just to know for sure. What do you think???

- Juju - 11-09-2012 09:00 AM

I know this is late but My step-son is a marine and when he is busy with the marines he isn't allowed to have his phone so maybe Kyle did not take his phone with him for the marathon. Sometimes when they are allowed to they don't because their marine training can be strong, so he may not have taken his phone.

I hope he did text her after the marathon