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I want to to but i can't? - Printable Version

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I want to to but i can't? - Kaath - 11-09-2012 08:52 AM

I have been datig this guy for almost 3 years now, but sice i moved to another place it has been getting worse.
To cut hte story short, he confessed that he developed a feeling to some girl but doenst want to lose me. I told him to do the right thing and now, he stopped courting the girl.
He's been so harsh and rude to me.
He seldom says iloveyou but when i initiate a break up he would hold me back.
H doesnt trust me, but just now, i found a girl on facebook who's profile picture was the two of them otgether. and another photo of them holding hands but their faces was not seen yet i know the look of his hand so i knew it was him

I confronted him but he told me he's no one. theyre just friends and this girl seems to like him.
He told me that he ddint know that they were holding hands because he was drunk.

I dont really know how i should feel
He's really a good man but he changed a lot. i know long distance relationship is hard but why does he kepp hurting me then hold back again then just neglect me then care again.
I have been him one time he was drunk and he really had no clue what he was doing.

I really feel so bad when we are not okay. Ive invested so much feelings for him
He would be so swet then the next time he'd throw words at me.
I think it was hard for him to confess his mistakes but i admire him that he did.
I dont know how i could let him go its so hard.
I always call him eventhough we seldom talk good things. he always suspects me of flirting wiht other guys but i really am not. one sinlge mistake and he would burst his bubble. ive been so stupid but i just dont know what i must do. I know i should let go but i cANT even take the imagination ofhim holding someone else's hand. :"( i feel so stupid and been played already for so many times. i never cheated nor flirted with anyone else. i even dont text my friends anymore becasue he gets jealous. :'(

I have been him one time he was drunk and he really had no clue what he was doing.

I really feel so bad when we are not okay. Ive invested so much feelings for him
He would be so swet then the next time he'd throw words at me.
I think it was hard for him to confess his mistakes but i admire him that he did.
I dont know how i could let him go its so hard.
I always call him eventhough we seldom talk good things. he always suspects me of flirting wiht other guys but i really am not. one sinlge mistake and he would burst his bubble. ive been so stupid but i just dont know what i must do. I know i should let go but i cANT even take the imagination ofhim holding someone else's hand. :"( i feel so stupid and been played already for so many times. i never cheated nor flirted with anyone else. i even dont text my friends anymore becasue he gets jealous. :'(


- John Smith - 11-09-2012 09:01 AM

"I was drunk, I didn't know what I was doing" is the excuse most people give when caught doing something they shouldn't have been doing.

It's also the weakest excuse in the world. You're being played.

- Miranda - 11-09-2012 09:01 AM

He got feelings for someone else, he rarely says I love you but tries to stop a break up?
Phone him and tell him it's time for him to follow his heart, you should too, see what happens.


- Miranda - 11-09-2012 09:01 AM

I think your boyfriend is most certainly being dishonest and unfaithful to you. I think the reason he tries to hold you back from breaking thing off is that he feels guilty- but mostly because your are what is comfortable for him. You've been together a long time and change can be scary. However, I believe that you would be selling yourself short to continue a relationship in which he has previously shown dishonestly and infedelity, and is currently doing the same. Let him two-time someone else! It might be hard to imagine life without him, but there are so many better fit people out there for you! I think you should do right by yourself and move on- take some time for self discovery, and then begin dating again! Who knows who you might meet? Good luck!

- leeda - 11-09-2012 09:01 AM

Move ON!!!! abviously this guy has another girlfriend and your just in the way...He probably tells her that your an old girlfriend and that you won't let go...think about it!!!
If he's on Facebook with this girl then its a sign that he doesnt think much of your relationship.....