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What do I do about this person stealing my pics and passing them around? - Printable Version

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What do I do about this person stealing my pics and passing them around? - Diana - 11-09-2012 08:53 AM

Some girl I was friends with on facebook stole my pics from facebook and passed them around to everyone making up a rumor, lie, phony gossip. She had no right to take my pics and pass them around without my permission. I can't find any way to take care of this problem. I tried to report her but that did not stop her form stealing and passing my profile pic around. Then she just blocks me and ignores me. She will not let me explain myself and she will not believe me and I am trying to be nice to her and tell her the truth. Now I can't even see her to tell fb that she sent my pic to everyone saying do not be friends with me with me and said I slept with her baby daddy, bla, bla, bla, all this phony, fake, lying non-sense. I don't know what the heck she is talking about. Then she was adding people off of my friends list telling me they are her cousin. So I confronted the girl she added from off my friends list and said "I didn't know you two were cousins". Then the woman, (my nieces friend) told me back that they are not cosuins and she added her because she thought I knew her. She said "I am in no related to that girl, I thought since you knew her then I will add her but I never saw that girl a day in my life". I clothed her kids for her and them and be-friended her and the thanks I get in return is to be betrayed and talked about behind my back with made up lies that are not even true about me for nothing. It's not even worth it for her to do this. I didn't even do anything to her it's like she is paranoid. She thinks I had sex with her baby daddy and the only two times I ever even saw her baby daddy, she was their both of the times. Then she told her "supposed" best friend (who didn't even come to her son's birthday party and not buy her son a gift and I did came to her son's birthday party and buy him a gift) that I was pregnant by her baby daddy and I'm not even pregnant. What is wrong with people that are so ungrateful? I go to her son's birthday party to help her and be a friend and then she comes to my son's birthday party with no present in hand, calls her baby daddy up to come and he comes and grabs a burger, he never said happy birthday to my son and then he just left right after that. Then she has the nerve to think that I want to sleep with and get pregnnat with her baby daddy that acts like that? I have a 3 year old daughter and two sons ages 5 and 6 years old and I am not nor was ever pregnant (never even by her "man" and don't plan to be anytime soon. Does anyone know what's her problem? How the heck is she just gonna accuse me of being pregnant by her baby daddy without even asking me or having any actual physical proof and why is she telling everyone I am pregnant by him when I am not even pregnant at all? She never confirmed it with me and saw me after that to see if I really am pregnant. Why did she just do this to me after I be-friended her and stood up for her when other people I know were talking about her behind her back when she was not around to defend herself. She wants to lose out on a good friend and keep the friend she has that she just thinks is her friend and miss out on the one that came to her sons birthday party? It's so sad because I was the only person that showed up to her son's birthday party other than her blood relatives then that is her problem and dilemma. I do no understand what she was thinking to do this to me after I was the only friend that she had show up to her son's birthday party. Why does she want to have no good friends in her life and she wants to choose the bad people for her friends? She only hurting herself in the long run. I just don't get why she would be so blind to just hurt her own self like that.

Anyways, how do I stop her from doing this. She will not listen and facebook seems to have no way of stopping this. Is there no one to get a hold of that can monitor these types of actions and control it? Doesn't Facebook know things like this can get out of control quickly and causes a lot of problems in peoples lives and relationships? Does fb care? What do I do to stop her and get my pics back from her computer that she copied and stole from me? She was passing around my pics to all my friends and saying under pic to not be friends with this girl. Mind you we are grown women, too and this is some elementary school stuff and kids in elementary school don't even need to doing petty, rediculous, immature, stuff like this. She needs to grow up and realize she is an adult woman now and she is not in elementary school anymore. I guess she thinks she is still a little girl or something. Well anyways, the jokes on her becuase all of my friends are still my friends and they were laughing at her and they didn't even delete me
@ Ask-The-One Yes, I have a question. How the heck am I suppose to try and stop this person form doing this and how do I get my pics back? It seems there is no way to stop them.
@ Ask-The-One Do you have answer for me or are you just trolling?

- Ask-The-One - 11-09-2012 09:02 AM

do you have a question for us or is this just a rant ?

my advice ? stay away from facebook

stay away from facebook

it is disgusting


- Taika - 11-09-2012 09:02 AM

I would've told you to get your revenge and humiliate her but it seems she's doing a pretty good job herself. I think what you're doing is perfect, you're not overeacting or acting like a bad person so the only possible villain is her and you're the innocent victim that everyone will stand by.
Ignore the crazy girl, eventually, she'll realize that she's all alone and it's her fault.
You don't need any crazy people in your life and to avoid having her steal your photos make them private for you and your friends. You could also tell your friends not to share any if your information with her.

You said no one except relatives was at her son's party... There must be a good reason she doesn't have friends, and now you know what it is.
Unfortunately, after you post something on facebook it's legal for anyone to use it unless its for an 'ad' and without your permission (example: putting your picture drinking coffee on a billboard as a commercial for the coffee) it says so in the 'million page' terms of use for facebook
Since that woman has no friends you have nothing to worry about right? No one will listen to her. Just stay away from her and her strange family.

It's sad to see grown ups act like such children! There are some strange people on the world.

Hope I helped! Smile