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My friend doesn't text me? What do I do? - Printable Version

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My friend doesn't text me? What do I do? - Jonthan-_- - 11-09-2012 08:54 AM;_ylt=An9P4GGP_vtygfr53ZhyjcXsy6IX;_ylv=3?qid=20120930014847AArHtYY

Well, I've been hanging out with this girl since last year (Read the above for more)

And well I always hang out with her at lunch and in one of our classes we have together, but she never texts me...

And on facebook, I said hey earlier and she replied but after I replied back to her She never replied back and she saw the message since it tells you on facebook....

She went offline and then came back online... I assumed she would reply back but she never did....
She talked to other people on her profile and that pretty much ruined my day since I thought I bored her or something just because she ignored me there...

but at school is another story because that's where she talks to me...

What does this mean?? What should I do?

- Liz - 11-09-2012 09:03 AM

Everyone has friends they're less in contact with then others, doesn't mean they like you any less in person. I wouldn't worry about it.

- HollyPaw - 11-09-2012 09:03 AM

Then don't text her either.

- Ned - 11-09-2012 09:03 AM

Send her naked pictures. Show her who's boss.

- The Rookie - 11-09-2012 09:03 AM

Don't panic, ..... it is normal !

When she texts you, it means that she misses you.

When she don't text you, it means that she is waiting for you to miss her.

Life doesn't get easier. You just get stronger.