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Would this bother you? - Printable Version

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Would this bother you? - Sims Fan - 11-09-2012 08:57 AM

I used to really like this guy and when I was with him. We had a casual relationship for a while and I grew to like him more. He was my first so it was a very intense feeling at the time. When it was over we still stayed in touch because he told me that he still wanted to be my friend. I believed him because after our thing ended he got back together with his ex so I really did believe he just wanted to be my friend. He's been with her 3 years now so this whole "friendship" nightmare has been going on that long. Our FWB thing ended just before he got back with her.

Unfortunately that turned out to be a lie and every time I saw him he'd grope me or make suggestive comments. I put up with it because my feelings for him were still there. Eventually I just couldn't take it anymore and I told him that his behaviour confused me and that it wasn't fair. He replied that he respected that but didn't want to stop being friends. I told him I just couldn't be friends with him and after that he didn't text back or respond he just ignored me. He deleted me from Facebook the next day and hasn't spoken to me since.

So, that was March and we hadn't spoken since then. A few months went by and in May he sent me an inbox message saying how he "misses us as friends" and did i want to meet up with him. I replied that i didn't think that was a good idea. He replied back that that was fine, that he understood and he can wait until a time that works for me. I said ok and we could meet another time maybe.

He didn't send me anymore messages after that. A week ago i sent him a friend request. Pretty stupid i know but i wanted to speak to him. It's a week later and it still says "friend request sent" so he's obviously ignored it. I deleted the friend request. Why would he message me but then ignore me when i try and contact him?

- sacredclay - 11-09-2012 09:06 AM

You need to knock it off. The guy was using you and you have the word, "Doormat" written all over you. Block him on FB, on you phone, etc and move on. He's playing with you and you know it. The real question is, why are you putting up with it? You will not recapture the "magic" of your relationship with him because there was never any magic for him. It was all about power play.

- MsElvira - 11-09-2012 09:06 AM

To play you and see if you respond. You did, so you proved his point. He got his satisfaction. Sorry, honey but he only used you. Unfriend him in every aspect of your life and get on with your life. You obviously deserve better than this JERK!

- merecat - 11-09-2012 09:06 AM

Just be glad he is gone. And dont let anyone else treat you like that again

- Karl Hungus - 11-09-2012 09:06 AM

Friends With Benefits situations never end up like Justin and Mila in the movie. It doesn't happen. Someone always gets hurt.