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how might you get more Twitter followers? - Printable Version

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how might you get more Twitter followers? - nicemice368 - 10-01-2012 07:19 AM

Hi, i have a twitter (obviously) and was wondering how to get more followers on Twitter. Thanks!

- MbManchoo - 10-01-2012 07:27 AM

The main thing you have to remember is that you have to post INTERESTING or informative tweets! Simple as that. You then have to also follow people who you find things YOU may be interested in. Then they see you, and they follow you. It's a pretty simple process actually. Since twitter is not as "commercialized" as facebook, you cannot BUY friends like facebook allows.

Like I said though, your best bet is to be interesting and tweet once a day. (don't overdue it or you will cast an annoying vibe.)

Hope this helps!

- Expertcap424 - 10-01-2012 07:27 AM

Some ways to get more Twitter followers are to connect your other accounts to Twitter and allow posts for your Twitter wall. This way, people are able to see your tweets and stuff.

E.g. I connected my Y!A account to my Twitter account and get few followers each day because I answer more questions.

Good luck!