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How do I get more likes on my Facebook page? - Printable Version

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How do I get more likes on my Facebook page? - violet_selky - 11-09-2012 08:58 AM

We make a Children's Nature Show called Orla's Ark.

Even though there are 30 people who have joined the free fan club we don't even have 30 likes on facebook. And only have 5 followers on Twitter.

How do we increase this kind of thing?

The shows a blast and my 6 year old could be cuter but....hmmmm

- Ira Green - 11-09-2012 09:06 AM

Request your Facebook friends to like this page.

- Jacob - 11-09-2012 09:06 AM

Hi, you have real concern over here, many people are struggling with same problem. First of all we need to have very good Landing page on the facebook which appeal to people to like. then regular updates on the wall. Interaction among the likes. For twitter you can follow people, then people will start following you. keep updating the tweets daily. be responsive when someone follows you.

I hope you will like this to have an idea,

Good Luck!!

- Victoria - 11-09-2012 09:06 AM

This is what I used

- Dexter - 11-09-2012 09:06 AM

Here are some of my tips on how to gain more "Likes" and "Followers"

For your Twitter;
1. Post relevant and interesting tweets.
2. Retweet messages.
3. Interact with others.
4. Update your twitter daily.Source relevant contents and schedule them using Garious you can sign up here for free . It allows you to schedule status updates in facebook, twitter and other social media sites.

For your fan page;

1. Customize your landing page. Make it attractive so that visitors will hit the LIKE Button.
2.. Update your fan page daily. Source relevant contents and schedule them using Garious you can sign up here for free . It allows you to schedule status updates in facebook, twitter and other social media sites.
3. You can also use facebook as fan page and with that you can now interact with other people from different fan pages.Start a conversation and introduce your page to them.

Hope this helps.