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is it a coincidence that when i log on to facebook some of my friends log off? - Printable Version

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+--- Thread: is it a coincidence that when i log on to facebook some of my friends log off? (/thread-17194.html)

is it a coincidence that when i log on to facebook some of my friends log off? - Dkljfdlkjfsdkfj - 11-09-2012 08:58 AM

then when i log off they come again then when i log in they log off? and isnt there a way to gain access to someone elses fb? any ideas if you catch my drift
first of all i just thought up the idea to hack someone elses fb okay and say they dont use mobile phone app then why they log off and log in? then today i noticed my cousin from maternal cousin from italy and my uncle from here are online so when i log in i see those two online were they talking? conspiring? then my uncle logs off after a while he logs in then he logs off. so after 20 minutes i log in hes there then he logs off.WTF!!!

- Colinc - 11-09-2012 09:07 AM

Yes big coincidence that all these people do not want to be on line when you are. Maybe you did something to upset them. Or they discovered how dishonest you are. The second part of your question proves that, as it is totally illegal to access other people's accounts for whatever reason. These accounts do not belong to the user, they belong to Facebook, who DO prosecute. And you just publicly incited others to conspire to hack accounts on a site monitored by every police and government agency, and with close ties to Faceook. Considering there are currently several people serving prison time for just that, not a good idea.

- abraXus - 11-09-2012 09:07 AM

no, that just means they are using their phone to access facebook, those people constantly go "offline" when they get a phone call